Blessed Intercession


Psalm 20:1-2

May the Lord answer you in the day of trouble; May the name of the God of Jacob defend you; May He send you help from the sanctuary, And strengthen you out of Zion;

Psalm 20 was written by David as a prayer of intercession for the kings and those in authority. Rightly, it is God’s will that we need to intercede for kings and all in authority. Today this prayer can be prayed for anyone. We should remember even great men and good men and those that know ever so well know how to pray for themselves must not despise but earnestly desire prayers of others. Apostle Paul in most of his letters does express the need for others to pray for him.

Nobody is exempted by the troubles of this life. Whether small or big troubles are inevident in one’s life. During such time it is so encouraging to know that such prayers are prayed over us. Such prayer will seldom make us hopeless and assure us that we shall be more than overcomers. May we always be surrounded by people who could intercede for us and may we always be eager to offer our intercession to others during their needs.

Blessed Day ahead.


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