Blessing in Motion


Deuteronomy 28:6
Blessed shall you be when you come in, and blessed shall you be when you go out.

We are always in motion, whether asleep or awake since the earth always keeps moving. Though we would love to be at home all day, every day, we do have to move to get things done. We go out to get our work or chores done and come back home once it finishes. Isn’t it a great relief to come back to your home safe and sound? The Lord calls you blessed from the start of your day till it ends because you are His disciple. Without God’s blessings, your work makes no sense. So, open the gates of your heart and let the King of Glory come in(Psalm 24:7).

Jesus, the King of kings, is knocking at your door to come in and commune with you(Revelation 3:20). There can never be a better guest than God Almighty. When He comes in, your life will change for the better. When He is your permanent guest, all your life affairs, in and out, will be blessed. He will help you make the right decisions and lead you to the right places. He will instruct us in the way we should go and He will guide us with His eye upon us(Psalms 32:8).

Invite God in, to preserve your coming in and going out forever(Psalm 121:8). Remember to start and end your day with God and you can sit back and watch in awe of how all your life affairs are favored by Him. Let’s open our hearts for God to be our permanent guest and let our lives be a witness for others to accept Him. 



  1. Ramakrishna
    17 Jun 2022 06:40:48 Reply

    Praise God, thank God.
    For all the blessings over my life. Thank you Lord from the day i born till today you keeping me safe and secure. Let your presence shall go with me wherever I go so that i will not be out of your Mighty Hands. Guide me Lord in every step of my life. Thank you for the supernatural protection over me and all of us. Thank you Heavenly Father for your love, mercy and compassion. In the precious name of Jesus Christ I pray, Amen.

  2. Venikala
    17 Jun 2022 08:08:09 Reply

    Yes Lord u know my in n out. Ur always with me all the tt of my life shower ur blessing on me n guide me oh Lord.

  3. Marine Paul
    20 Jun 2022 16:10:23 Reply

    Thank you Lord for all the blessing showered upon me and my family . Be my guide whatever i am indulged in to glorifying your name . Give me wisdom and Knowledge to be a good human being and helpfull to the needy.

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