Blessings for Today


Psalm 68:19 – “Blessed be the Lord, who daily loadeth us with benefits, even the God of our salvation.”

Children eagerly look forward to their birthdays because they know they’ll be loaded with tons of gifts from family and friends. It’s an interesting similarity we find in today’s verse where David enthusiastically proclaims that God daily loads us with benefits. The Amplified Version explains it further saying, “(the Lord) bears our burdens and carries us day by day”. Isn’t that enough cause for a daily celebration?

Each day is a gift God has given you. You woke up this morning and you have everything you absolutely need to live today. In addition, when you start counting your blessings, you’ll find that God has indeed loaded you with benefits. From the gift of salvation to grace for each day, everything we have is a blessing from God. God has blessed you with unique strengths and abilities, so you can in turn be a blessing to someone else.

If you find yourself at a low point today, take a few minutes to recount God’s blessings. As we enter the last month of 2017, now’s a good time to see how far you’ve come since the beginning of the year. Acknowledge that any progress you see in your life is indeed a blessing from God. He has blessed the work of your hands and helped you through the past 11 months. May God strengthen your spirit and help you end this year on a good note. Have a blessed December!
