Blessings We Receive


Psalm 115:14-15
May the Lord give you increase more and more, You and your children. May you be blessed by the Lord, Who made heaven and earth.


We began this week by remembering and mentioning His mercies and lovingkindnesses over our lives. Then we learned that our Trust and Hope should not be on Variables we see around us but in God alone. God alone is constant. We should desire to dwell in the shelter of Most High all the days of our lives.

Today’s scripture has been taken from Psalm 115. It is one of the Psalms which Jews sing during their Passover celebrations. This Psalm gives us a clear understanding of who our God is and what makes Him worthy of all our praises.

Psalmist encourages us to trust in the Lord and hence enjoy the following blessing:

the Lord give you increase more and more, You and your children – The first blessing upon mankind was, “Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth“; and it is this blessing which God now pronounces upon them that trust him. When we trust in God we shall be fruitful in all the areas of our lives. Not just us, this blessing trickles down to our future generations too. Spiritually too we shall be fruitful for the Kingdom of God, we shall be soul winners. God shall increase His people through us, and make our Joy complete.

you be blessed by the Lord, Who made heaven and earth – It is an omnipotent blessing, conveying to us all what an Almighty God can do, He who is the creator of heaven and earth. The fulness of this blessing is infinite, and the consolation which it brings is unfailing. He is able to lead us here on earth and bring us safely to the mansions above.

Happy are the people upon whom such blessings rest; their portion is infinitely above that of those whose only hope lies in a piece of gilded wood, or an image of sculptured stone.

Blessed Day Ahead.


One Comment

  1. Prakash TA
    20 May 2021 08:56:27 Reply

    Praise the Lord, thank u for ur blessing devotion, I ve recd this blessing today by Lord Almighty. Amen

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