Broken, Yet Close to God!


The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. – Psalm 34:18

We’ve all experienced heartbreak caused by disappointment, fear, guilt, abandonment, rejection, or grief. A broken heart can cause unbearable suffering, and we might feel completely alone, helpless, and hopeless. When in this position, the enemy would do anything to prevent us from fully understanding God’s love and obtaining the courage we require to continue when life is challenging.

In moments like these, we need something greater than ourselves to support and draw us out. We can get that support and solace from reading the word of God written by the psalmist. His heart knew pain, and yet he was persistently hopeful. We can also lament, mourn and ask the Lord for help because we ultimately know our faith is in our Heavenly Father.

God delights in guiding us toward understanding Him and His presence among us, particularly during difficult times. God is not only present but close by. He is always with us and will support us. He is never surprised or discouraged by our brokenness.

With God’s strength, we can start breathing again. His presence among us in our chaotic moments is incredibly reassuring. God’s enormous love for us allows Him to deliver us from severe suffering and a broken spirit. He offers to restore peace to the damaged areas in our hearts.

2 Corinthians 4:8–9 encourages us to remember that even though we are hard-pressed on all sides, yet not destroyed because God is with us.

We can be sure that God hasn’t forgotten about us.


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