Call upon God


Psalm 86:7:  In the day of my trouble, I will call upon thee; for thou wilt answer me.

David had one place to look upon in the day of his trouble, and that place was God Himself.  He was sure that God would answer Him.  When we pray to God during our troubled times, are we sure of an answer?

David consulted God for everything in his life, except in one thing concerning his relationship.  He won most of his battles with God fighting them for him.  He was after all a man after God’s own heart.  He loved God and so did God him.  He was a king, but yet he had troubles.  He did not go seeking other kings’ support.  He just called upon God with the confidence that God would deliver him and set him free.  He lived in such a manner that God was bound to listen to him and give him an answer.  From an ordinary shepherd boy, he became the king of God’s people.  He served God even when he was a shepherd boy and he didn’t stop worshipping or respecting God even when he became a king.  His attitude towards God didn’t change with positions or riches.  He knew there was one place where his help would come from.  He just dialed the right number!

How many of us can boldly come to God’s presence for an answer? Is there confidence in your heart when you seek God?  God wants to know if our hearts are in line with God for us to be delivered from all evil and harm.  The Bible says that when our enemy comes against us like a flood, He will lift up a standard against him.  Yes, He will deliver us and answer us in troubled times.  Live a life that is worthy of God’s calling.
