Can people recognize you?


Acts‬ ‭4‬:‭13,14‬ – “Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were uneducated, common men, they were astonished. And they recognized that they had been with Jesus. But seeing the man who was healed standing beside them, they had nothing to say in opposition.”

Peter and John were relatively fresh into their ministry. Not many people knew them outside their close circle of early believers. After they received the power of the Holy Spirit, they went out boldly healing and ministering in Jesus’ name. And they also got into trouble with the Jewish authorities because of the message they preached. The verses above reiterate how the external world viewed this disciple duo.

Firstly, the Jewish elders were astonished because Peter and John were uneducated, common fishermen. And yet they preached the message of the cross boldly. Secondly, they recognized that the disciples had been with Jesus. And thirdly, they couldn’t oppose Peter and John because the healed cripple in their midst was a strong testimony of God’s power at work through them.

The Holy Spirit had empowered Peter and John to speak boldly, act like Jesus, and heal in His name. And the people around them recognized God’s work in and through them. When you are out in the world, do people recognize you as one of God’s own? Do your words and actions testify of God’s goodness and grace in your life? Do your friends and neighbors recognize the transforming work of the living God in and through you?

Prayer: Father, empower us with Your Spirit that we may boldly walk in the path You have placed before us. May people around us recognize You through our intentions, words and actions.
