Cast Your Cares on the Lord


1 Peter 5:7 – “Casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.”

The dictionary meaning of the word ‘cast’ is, to discard or throw something forcefully in a specified direction. In today’s verse, Peter reminds us to cast all our cares on the Lord. Sometimes, we get stressed and take it out on those around us. Or we end up in difficult situations and struggle to get out of it. We know God is able to carry our burdens and solve our problems, but He is often our last resort.

If you’re going through troubled waters and you don’t see a way out, don’t hesitate to take it to the Lord in prayer. You can cast ALL your burdens on the Lord – you don’t have to deal with it alone. God does not want you to bring Him only your big issues, but even the little ones. God cares about all of you – He wants to be involved in all your life, on the good days and the bad.

Prayer: Lord, thank you for loving me as I am and caring for me. I’m sorry for all those times I looked to other avenues for help, rather than to You. I want to be in constant communion with You – whether I’m down in the dark valleys or up on the glorious mountaintops. I trust that You can handle everything I’m going through. Help me rest in Your promises. In Jesus’s Name, Amen!



  1. Devadass
    11 Jan 2019 07:04:49 Reply

    I was on a train and the prayer above helped me to continue on my prayer, thank u lord for my church helping me to grow in my prayers

  2. Shabin
    11 Jan 2019 09:46:01 Reply

    Pray for me and my family. I am child in spiritual and please prayer.

    • Bethel Team
      17 Jan 2019 13:00:27 Reply

      Dear Shabin,
      We pray that the Holy Spirit will help you grow each day in the Lord.


  3. Ravi Kumar h r
    13 Jan 2019 11:29:56 Reply

    As I was going through a financial crisis I just kept praying now I found a way thanks to Almighty God loving Holy Father hallelujah Amen

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