Caught Up in Praise


Psalm 150:2 KJV: Praise him for his mighty acts: praise him according to his excellent greatness.

“God is good all the time, He put a song of praise in this heart of mine. God is good all the time.” (Don Moen)

God is great all the time. Not half the time, on Sundays, or when things are going well for us. All the time. It’s in His nature to be good. In the last Psalm of the Bible, the Psalmist encourages us to be a people caught up in praise. That means to praise God every day and in every situation: good or bad. Why should we praise God? Because of what He has done (‘his mighty acts’) and for who He is (‘his excellent greatness’).

Praising God doesn’t mean repeating “praise the Lord” over and over. It’s about thinking and/ or speaking of God’s perfect attributes or great acts. Praise can be expressed through singing and music (including dancing, lifting our hands, kneeling, clapping etc.), testimony and thanksgiving, prayer, sacrificial service, and giving.

Is praise and worship important for us? When we are experiencing a rough financial season, can we say, “God, thank you for this trial and for what you are teaching me”?  Or, when we wake up, do we love the Lord by saying, “You are more beautiful than diamonds, and nothing compares with you”? God takes great delight in His people, and we should delight in praising Him.

Let this verse serve as a daily reminder. To wake up each morning with a song of praise on our lips. Let’s put our plans, mobile phones, and pressures aside – and just spend time in God’s presence. Focus on how great God is and what He has done- and is able to do. And we will become a people caught up in praise.


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