Changing Destinies


Isaiah 54:13 All your children shall be taught by the Lord, And great shall be the peace of your children.

The Lord’s promise to open the wombs of the barren is declared with conviction in Isaiah 54. Not only does the Lord promise children to them, but also promises to teach them His ways.

Both Rachel and Hannah were without child for many years after marriage. Being constantly ridiculed for not bearing children to their husbands, they prayed to God with faith to change their situation.

And the Lord who repays faith with blessings, opened their wombs. From them came some of the greatest characters in the Bible. Both Joseph and Samuel were dedicated to the Lord. One realized His destiny in a foreign land, the other in the temple of the Lord.

The Lord has promised to open the wombs of the barren. He has also promised to mould greatness from such children.

Do not lose hope. The Lord has promised a miracle!


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