Changing Perspectives – The Story of the Owner and the Guest


2 Thessalonians 3:3  But the Lord is faithful, who will establish you and guard you from the evil one.


In the town of Bangalore, there once lived a Sunday-Christian. His unquestionable presence in church (the man-made building), Sunday after Sunday, led people to believe that he was a blessed man. But, only Jacob knew the demons he was fighting.

He lived in a mansion with many rooms. Every evening, there was a knock on his door. He opened the door expecting a neighbour or such, but it was never anyone other than satan. Try as he did, he just couldn’t get rid of him.

One day, he decided to pick up his abandoned Bible and seek help from the word of God. He read. “Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.” – Revelations 3:20

He was overjoyed at finding the antidote to his problem. All he needed to do was open the door to the right person, invite the Lord Jesus into his house, give Him the guest room and things would be fine. And so he did, without hesitation! The Lord Jesus occupied the guest room in Jacob’s mansion.

As evening approached there was a knock at the door. Certain that it was a neighbour, he unlatched it and looked out. To his horror it was satan again!

The next day Jacob asked the Lord Jesus why He hadn’t helped him the night before. He told him that He was in the guest room and nothing untoward had taken place there.

So Jacob decided to give the Lord Jesus the entire top floor. He was sure that the Lord would hear the knock and answer it that evening.

As usual, he heard a knock on the door. Jacob was waiting for the Lord Jesus to open the door, but there was no sign of Him. After much hesitation, he went to the door and cracked it open to peek outside. But satan already had his foot in the door.

The next morning, an irate Jacob approached the Lord Jesus and asked if He cared about him. The Lord told Jacob that He couldn’t fight his battles unless He was given full control over his house – every room, every hidden secret behind each door, every stronghold of the enemy concealed in the basement and every piece of shame and guilt tucked away in the attic.

Revival hit Jacob! He wrote his house to the Lord Jesus and occupied the guest room.

That evening, as was customary, satan knocked on Jacob’s house. This time the door swung open! Satan, who already had his foot in the air to enter the house, froze in astonishment when he saw the Lord Jesus at the door!

He said, “Sorry, wrong address” and moved on.

Yes, the Lord is faithful when we have enough faith to give Him complete control over our life, and live as guests in this body i.e. the temple of God. He will establish prosperous plans for our life and shield us from the evil one!

“Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honour God with your bodies.” – 1 Corinthians 6: 19-20 

Are you ready to give the Lord Jesus complete control over your life? It will surely be your best decision!




  1. Rebu Cherian
    02 Sep 2019 22:43:22 Reply

    Nice msg and surrender my complete temple to the Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you. God bless.

  2. Rebu Cherian
    02 Sep 2019 22:44:03 Reply

    Nice Story and I surrender my complete temple to the Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you. God bless.

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