
1 John 3:1 – “Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God!… The world does not know us, because it did not know Him.”

Behold, ponder, think about how much love God the Father has given us for believing in His son, which instantly made us co-heirs with Christ, adopted and grafted into His family, therefore able to share all His benefits.

From a natural perspective, after the adoption into His Family, suffering being expected, rejection, trials, persecution, abuse, hatred.  And having been warned by Jesus of this “If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated Me first.” (John 15:18).

The Jewish nation expected a natural king with a natural kingdom: that is the worldly view. God had different plans altogether: a supernatural King where the subjects became hosts of the most intangible kingdom, a spiritual one, where its King is not concerned about conquering nations and land, but conquering hearts.

A kingdom where fights are not against flesh and blood with manmade weapons, but where the biggest fights happen in a completely different realm, that is, the spiritual world, against the principalities, demonic forces, Satan and his subjects, where our biggest weapon is worship, prayer, surrendering to God, and believing by faith that ultimately it is He who fights our battles, and that we are more than conquerors through Christ.

The world does not know us, because it did not know Him, and so, the world does not see us as being a part of it, because, we are not. We are not of this world. We are His, we belong to Him, and nothing and no one can ever separate us from His love. Amen!


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