Children of God


Romans 8:14 NKJV

For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God.

As children of God, we have the blessed privilege to be led by the Spirit of God. Like tourists are directionless without a guide or soldiers are aimless without a commanding officer, we lack purpose without our Counselor. The Holy Spirit guides us towards repentance, truth, usefulness, love, and holiness. Having God’s Spirit alongside our faith journey is a precious gift for every believer in Christ (John 14:16-17 NIV).

The devil is on the lookout to drive us towards destruction, just like the legion-possessed pigs were driven to their demise (Mark 5:1-20 NIV). He seeks to control and manipulate us. However, by aligning ourselves with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we are shielded from the influence of the evil one. God’s advocate does not manipulate us but counsels us to walk the right paths.

Unless we cooperate with the Holy Spirit, we could end up partnering with the devil. Attempting to serve two masters will lead us into conflicting loyalties, drawing us away from God. Thus, we need the Holy Spirit to help us remain devoted to God (John 6:44).

God’s offspring are those who stay committed to Him. They are precious in the eyes of God; they are the sheep of His pastures. Let’s allow God’s Spirit to instruct us with His eyes upon us. The alternative is to be under the devil’s control and lead an animal-like life. Let’s thank God for choosing us as His heirs and leading us by His Spirit.


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