Choose GOD, Choose Life.


The way of the Lord is strength for the upright, But destruction will come to the workers of iniquity. Proverbs 10:29 NKJV

The Word of God serves as a guiding light along our path. When we love God, our hearts are drawn to understand His ways and to follow them eagerly. Throughout the Bible, we encounter numerous examples of those who embraced God’s path and those who strayed into destruction. Consider King David and King Saul, both anointed by the same God yet had different relationships with Him.

Saul’s relationship with God was one of convenience. He turned to God only when trouble befell him and would heed the prophet’s words selectively, following God’s guidance only when it suited him. This approach ultimately led to his downfall.

In contrast, King David cherished fellowship with God. During his solitary days in the wilderness tending his sheep, he experienced God’s protection and provision. When confronted by the prophet Nathan about his sin with Bathsheba and the murder of Uriah, David faced God’s rebuke with humility. Though it went against his desires and plans, David yielded to God’s ways, embracing divine correction and guidance over his life.

As a result, David was blessed, and his kingdom flourished. In 2 Samuel 7:12-16, God made a covenant with David, promising to establish his lineage and kingdom forever, despite the possibility of future transgressions. This covenant illustrates God’s unwavering faithfulness and mercy towards His chosen ones.

God, our loving Father, does not abandon us in our weaknesses. He faithfully leads us as long as we remain steadfast by His side. His promises are steadfast and true, always fulfilled with a resounding “Yes” and “Amen.”


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