CHRIST is our firm Foundation!


Hebrews 12:28

“Therefore, since we are receiving a Kingdom which cannot be shaken, let us have grace, by which we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear.”

When the verse mentions Kingdown, which cannot be shaken, it holds more prominence than we can imagine. We meet all kinds of people in our lives; some are blessings, and some are lessons. Our desires and troubles will no longer exist; we will place our hopes and expectations on things that are short-term. We live in a world where everything is constantly changing. In the end, it all comes down to one constant relationship: our relationship with God.

As Christians, we are blessed beyond measure. We have our God, who is our firm foundation, and He never fails and all His promises are fulfilled. We have witnessed so many things falling apart around us, but we have absolutely nothing to worry about. Remember, our temporary home may be shaking right now, but our permanent home in heaven is standing firm as ever.

This is the perspective we need to have for each and every day of our lives. Try not to focus on the cares of this world; they will eventually fade. But focus on the kingdom, which cannot be shaken. God desires to have a personal relationship with us. We ought to actively worship and serve Him. Be grateful for all He has done, and always rejoice that He will do great things.


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