
Psalm 95:2-3– “Let us come into His presence with thanksgiving; let us make a joyfull noise to Him with songs of praise! For the LORD is a great God and a great King above all gods.”

It is good to hunger and thirst to be in the presence of our God with our fellow believers with thanksgiving, and to be able to make a joyful noise when we enter His sanctuary! With the current pandemic forcing us to wear face masks, some of that feeling has changed as our voices are muffled by the masks we have to wear.

But the masks we wear can’t stop us from making a joyful noise, or for singing songs of praise.
We have plenty of reason to worship and praise Him, because our God is a good God. He has given us His Holy Spirit to guide us and encourage us all the time, and the same Spirit that is with us is Who propels and triggers in us the want to shout with joy when we are in His presence.

Perhaps the pandemic is forcing millions to stay away from each other, from our neighbors and friends, but it cannot stop us from seeking His presence; from having a thankful heart; from being grateful, from making a joyfull noise. “For the LORD is a great God and a great King above all gods.” Above all things, all living beings, now and forevermore!



“Father God, thank you for your infinite love towards us. Thank you for giving us a voice that wants to make a joyful noise to You! We love you God! In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen!”


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