Commit your life to God


Psalm 37:5-6:  Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass.  And he shall bring forth thy righteousness as the light, and thy judgment as the noonday. (KJV).

Committing one’s way or life unto God is the best thing that can happen to a believer.  When we surrender our life to God, we are actually asking God to direct our paths.  We are asking Him to steer our life in ways that He deems it fit for us.  When we trust God and commit our ways to Him, He will bring to pass whatever He has wished for us.  He will cause our righteousness to shine as the light and our judgment as the bright noonday.

We need to commit our everyday affairs, business, events, life, paths, everything to God and trust him 100%.  When God sees that we have done our part of committing everything to Him, He will do His part of bringing His will to pass in our life.  When we live a life of such commitment and respect for God, He will stand up for us when the enemy tries to defame us or put us down morally.  God will protect us and will cause our character and/or righteousness to shine as the light.  He will cause our judgment as the noonday or as bright as the sun.  He will cause our character to shine out against the darkness and evil deeds of those whose trust is not in the Lord or have not committed their ways to God.

God is a righteous Judge.  God will be interested to cause the light to shine on those who have surrendered their lives to Him.  He will be willing to guide everyone who has given their life over to Him.  It is God’s duty to uphold and defend those who love Him.  He will see that their lives will be blessed.




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