Confidence in My God


Hebrews 4:16Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.

It is easy for children to succumb to the peer pressure of forming relationships with the wrong people. They don’t realize the trouble they are getting into just to be accepted or gain popularity. When they reach the point of desperation, they reach out to their parents, acknowledging they need help from them. They approach their parents believing they will get help, support, and above all, love from them.

If our parents can be our confidantes and if they can make us bold in times of need, how much more is our Heavenly Father our rock through all the storms? We should approach the throne of God with the boldness that rises from us being His children. As God’s children, we should come to Him with faith, knowing that He will stand with us in our times of need. Our confidence comes through the personal relationship we establish and nurture with God. God has given us His mercy and grace because we chose Him as our Heavenly Father. It is up to us to claim it through our faith in Christ, our Saviour.

As children of God, we can confide in Him and rely on Him because He is the firm foundation that will not be moved. God has already planned blessings, opportunities, and talents for us. We must choose to claim the prize earned through salvation in Christ by faith.


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