Constant Guidance


Psalm 32:8 – “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with My eye.”

Have you noticed parents keeping an eye on their small kids? The kids may be playing independently but the parents are always watching them out of the corner of their eyes. Even if the parents are engrossed in a conversation or other work, they can sense what the children are up to and know when their intervention is required. If earthly parents could be so watchful over their kids, imagine how vigilant our God must be over His beloved children.

Perhaps you’re at crossroads in your life and you need to make a crucial decision. As you spend time in prayer, read the Word of God, and seek godly counsel, you’ll find peace about the decision you need to make.

If you’ve gone down the wrong road and wish you could turn back, do not fret. When you repent and reach out to the Lord, He will embrace you with open arms and help you move on. His love will redeem your past and He will guide you into His divine will for you.

We all go through seasons in life where we don’t feel God’s guidance. We’re not quite sure He’s still going before us and guiding our steps. That’s the time to have big faith and rely on the promises God has given you. He will never ever go back on His Word. If He said He will instruct you, teach you and guide you in the way you should go, He will keep His Word. As long as you abide with the Lord, you can be assured of His constant guidance.



    09 May 2020 07:28:18 Reply

    Thank you Jesus for Your constant guidance in our life. 🙏

  2. Ramakrishna
    09 May 2020 19:42:33 Reply

    Yes, indeed God is watching over us. His word which guides us in each day, in every direction we move. In fact, when we commit mistakes and sin against Him. Still corrects us strengthens us and warns us not to repeat the same. When our children asks for bread we will not give stone. Even though we are not so good. But God our Heavenly Father gives us whatever we need.
    Loving everlasting Kingdom belongs to our Abba Father. Let’s cling on to Him for each and everything.
    Thankyou Lord Jesus Christ for your grace and mercy. In the precious name of Jesus. We pray Amen.

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