Our Covenant-Keeping God


1 Samuel 12:22 – For the Lord will not forsake his people for his great name’s sake: because it hath pleased the Lord to make you his people.

Israel demanded a King, an earthly ruler from the Lord and indirectly rejected sovereignty of their heavenly King. They were heavily influenced by their surrounding pagan nations. Samuel, the prophet, rebuked Israel for this grave and rebellious sin against the Lord. Now, here’s the beauty of God – In His mercy, He was still prepared to bless His covenant nation, which He had called into existence through Abraham, Isaac and the twelve sons of Jacob. The Lord honoured His promise that He will not abandon His people despite their repeated grievous sins against Him that would dishonour His holy name, for God had chosen to make Israel His own possession. What a wonderful promise was given to that pride and rebellious nation!?!

That precious promise made to Israel is equally effective today. Yes, that same glorious truth of God’s faithfulness to His people can similarly be applied to us – His New Testament covenant people. The many precious promises, spiritual gifts and eternal glories that God has prepared in heaven for those that love Him can never be broken – for to do so would discredit His righteous name and contradict His eternal character.

Let us never forget that though we may prove faithless yet He will remain faithful to His many precious promises. Let us never forget that eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither has it entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him (1 Cor 2:9).

Father, thank You that Your love never fails and Your compassion never ceases towards us and praise Your name for the many examples of Your eternal faithfulness to each one of Your children – which is fresh and new every morning, in Jesus name, Amen!
