Crossing Over into Forgiveness


1 Timothy 1:15 This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.

There is victory in the blood of Jesus!

Remember when God told Abraham to sacrifice his only son? Abraham obeyed God and was about to drop the axe on his son when God stopped him. That day, Abraham sacrificed a ram instead of his son.

Centuries later God sent His only Son to this world as a sacrifice for all mankind. This time He did not stop the axe. The Lord Jesus shed His blood for our redemption.

In the Old Testament, people were obliged to sacrifice a flawless animal for their sins. However, this did not purge their sins. It simply covered their sins. Moreover, people were always concerned about their sacrifice as even a slight defect would render it null and void.

We live in a time when God made way for the perfect redemption of sins. When we ask for forgiveness, the blood of Jesus not only covers our sins, but removes them completely. “For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more.” – Hebrews 8:12

When God, Himself, doesn’t keep track of our sins, should we let shame and guilt torment us? Are any of our sins so wicked that the blood of the Lord Jesus can’t forgive? In fact, if satan knew that the blood of Jesus would cleanse the sins of every human, he wouldn’t have orchestrated the crucifixion in the first place.

Let’s claim victory over our sins through the blood of Jesus! Remember, satan trembles at the mention of Jesus’ blood. It was supposed to get rid of Jesus 2000 years ago, but millenniums later it still has the eternal power to forgive our sins, so we can have abundant life!


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