Death and life in tongue


Proverbs 18:21:  Death and life are in the power of the tongue; and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.

This is a very powerful verse in the Bible, but it does not give anybody the license to kill someone with words.  Speak words of life and blessing in everyone’s life.   It is very easy to judge someone and pass comments and hurt someone with rude and unpleasant words.  How well are we using our tongue?  Are we using it to hurt people or to bless people?

Tongue is a small instrument but it boasts a great deal.  Right?  We can go on and on in endless gossips and slander and speak wickedly.  We use the same tongue to bless and praise God too.  Well, this is not the right thing to do so.  What did Jesus do when He was on the earth? He did not condemn anybody.  He loved everyone and spoke with kindness and compassion.  He came to give life and life in abundance.  He used His tongue to preach about the love of God and His kingdom.  Death and life are indeed in the power of the tongue.  If we love life, we will eat the fruit of life with all the blessings added with it.

What are you using your tongue for?  Let us use it to bless others, to encourage and to love people with our words and action.  Use it to forgive people.  Let the world know that we are a peculiar people and a royal priesthood unto God.  Shall we check on how we are using our tongue?
