Death is Defeated


Psalm 23:4 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; For You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.


King Ahab and his evil wife, Jezebel, listened as Elijah prophesied an extreme drought over the land of Israel.

After leaving the king’s palace, God commanded Elijah to go east of the River Jordan. Without human companionship, Elijah journeyed to a distant land, where ravens were his only friends for the next few months.

God was with him, and commanded the ravens to deliver food for Elijah to eat.

When the stream dried up, God told him to move to Zarephath, which was a part of Queen Jezebel’s native country.

Surely, Elijah must have felt like he was being led into a valley that was eclipsed by the shadow of death. But, God was with him! He was fed by a widow in Zarephath until the drought ended.

During this time, her son fell mysteriously ill and died. At least that tragedy should have convinced him that the shadow of death was upon his camp.

But, God was with Elijah, and brought the boy back to life!

The all-powerful God, who held back the shadow of death as Elijah walked through the valley, is doing the same for us today.

When we feel like there is no way to bypass the valley where the sun never shines, remember we don’t need the sun, when he have the Son!


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