Delivered as Promised


Joshua 23:14
“Not one of all the good promises the Lord your God gave you has failed. Every promise has been fulfilled; not one has failed.

We all make promises which we don’t keep. such as ” Tomorrow onwards I will start getting up early” and never do, “I swear to tell the truth always, and when we find the first chance to tell a lie, we do”, “I will regularly spend time in prayer Lord, from tomorrow, and we get caught up with our problems and workloads”.

Forgetting the promises we make, is very common amongst us. in fact, they say, promises are meant to be broken. but it is not so with our GOD. He is a promise-keeping GOD, and HE takes HIS promises very seriously. For Example, in the book of Genesis of the Bible, we see that GOD promised Abraham, a son, despite the delay and the doubt that crept in the heart of Sarah on her ability to conceive, GOD’s promises never changed. once HE speaks, it comes to pass, whatever be the situation or circumstance.

generally, our situations define our thinking and our belief. Sarah who was in her advanced age had also accepted her fate of barrenness according to her situation, But for GOD age is just a number. Therefore, HIS blessings go beyond our situations and circumstances. HIS word NEVER fails. Every promise concerning you will come to pass, all that is needed while you wait for the fulfillment of the promises concerning you is to ‘Trust in HIS character” HE is a GOD who delivers as HE promises. Amen.


One Comment

  1. C.Mary Raghuveer
    26 Aug 2021 07:32:56 Reply

    How true ! We have a promise keeping ,prayer answering God as our Father !
    Thank you for reminding us of this so that we can put all our trust in Him as we wait for His answer – in His way ,in His time.

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