Divine Announcement: The Birth of Jesus


She will bring forth a Son, and you shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins. Matthew 1:21

Today, the world celebrates Christmas. The reasons for celebrating Christmas may vary, depending on religious and cultural traditions. For some Carols, feasting, sharing of gifts, decorations, etc. become the celebration aspect. But that’s not what Christmas is all about; it is the commemoration of the birth of Jesus Christ. This divine announcement was foretold many thousands of years ago.

In the quiet unfolding of the divine plan, the angel’s message to Joseph emphasises the name “Jesus,” the Lord saves, who brings salvation to humanity by redeeming them from their sins. Jesus, the name above all names, carries authority, healing, and deliverance. It was a proclamation from heaven, unveiling a purpose that would resonate throughout eternity.

When the divine announcement was made about how Mary would bring forth a son through the Holy Spirit whom he had been pledged to marry, imagine the mind of Joseph. He didn’t contemplate the how part or the process it was going to take the fulfilment of Jesus. He entrusted God’s divine plan to humans through his life journey.

The rest became a history of what unfolded. It was an impossible event made possible by God. When we are chosen by God and set apart for His kingdom, God will reveal His plans for our lives through our time, talent, and treasure. Instead of contemplating the know-how, let us consciously learn to trust His ways and end results. Blessed & a Merry Christmas!


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