Divine Selection: God’s Treasured Possession


For you are a holy people to the Lord your God; the Lord your God has chosen you to be a people for Himself, a special treasure above all the peoples on the face of the earth. Deuteronomy 7:6

You are God’s exclusive property! Did this happen by accident? No, He deliberately chose you to be His treasure. Deuteronomy 7:6 emphasizes this special relationship between you and the Creator. Imagine the magnanimity of the God who formed the heavens and the earth, intentionally calling you His treasured possession above all others.

Being chosen by God is a great honour, but it also comes with a big responsibility. It’s more than just a label. It should inspire us to become holy. This means constantly growing and changing to live according to God’s plan. Knowing we’re chosen reminds us we’re special, but it also means we should give up sin and do what’s right. Even when we make mistakes, remembering God chose us can give us strength to keep trying to live as He wants us to. So, let’s actively pursue holiness. This will bring us closer to God and help us feel His presence in our lives.

Imagine a dusty attic full of forgotten things. In a dark corner, there’s a small box with a hidden treasure inside. This treasure is like you! God sees you as a valuable gem, even if you’re covered in dust. He sees your potential and worth, even with your flaws. Just like a jeweller carefully cuts and polishes a gemstone, God uses life’s experiences to shape you into the amazing person He knows you can be. You are precious to Him, and He will help you shine brightly.

So, ponder on this today. The One who created the universe intentionally chooses and cherishes you. By recognizing your chosen status, you have a calling to reflect God’s love and grace to the world around you. Your life should be a testament to His transformative power as you embody His compassion, humility, and forgiveness. Through your words and actions, you act as beacons of hope and light, drawing others closer to the source of your strength and purpose.

As we embrace our identity as God’s treasured possession, let us also extend His love and mercy to those around us, spreading His kingdom and glory to all corners of the earth.



  1. Aze krocha
    17 May 2024 07:54:08 Reply

    It reminds me of how special I am to be a God’s chosen and called his own. Thank you for this morning beautiful passage. Praise the Lord.

  2. Ruby willam Dhaser
    18 May 2024 13:05:40 Reply

    praises be to lord I thank God for all compassion he showed me thank Jesus still I need you every moment

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