Do Good!


Psalm 37:22 – “For those blessed by Him shall inherit the earth, But those cursed by Him shall be cut off.”

It is good to “trust in the Lord and do good”. (Psalm 37:3).

When we do, we enjoy the blessings and benefits of it: safe pastures, the fulfillment of the desires of our heart because we delight in Him, safety, peace, provision, deliverance, generosity, prosperity, walking on a solid ground, protection, being loved by the Lord, wisdom, obedience to God’s law, patience, and the promise to inherit the earth: both this earth, and the new earth after this, and the assurance to be in the presence of the everlasting God.

But it is not so with the wicked, or when we choose not to do good and therefore to displease the Lord, and the curses that follow are not good: dying soon, anger, evildoing, cheating, separation from God.

Since the days of Moses, the Lord told the people: “I put before you a blessing and a curse”. (Deuteronomy 11:26); and “I have put before you today life and good, and death and evil”. (Deuteronomy 30:15).

The awesome truth is that we do have a choice today: the choice to follow Jesus, to repent from our sins, to experience His forgiveness, mercy and grace, to be daily overwhelmed by His love and all the goodness that flows from Him.

Choose to follow Jesus, to do good, and daily remind yourself to “Praise the Lord, and forget not all His benefits!” (Psalm 103:2).


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