Do not be afraid


Matthew 14:27:  But straightway Jesus spake unto them, saying be of good cheer; it is I; be not afraid.

The disciples were pretty shaken up when they saw Jesus walking on the water towards them.  They assumed it was some kind of a ghost.  They had least expected Jesus to come up to them at that time of the night, but Jesus encouraged them and said to them not to be afraid.

Sometimes, in the midst of a chaotic situation where we have tried all efforts to come out successfully, we fail to see God with us.  We cry out to Him in the loudest voice possible voice without sensing His presence with us always.  We magnify our problems more than magnifying God.  We hardly see Him or feel Him because we are so caught up with the worries of this world.  Until Jesus told the disciples it was Him, they were unable to see that it was Jesus Himself who was walking towards them to set them free from that miserable sea which was boiling with the worse ever tempest and storm.  He just calmed the sea and it obeyed Him.  They were renewed in their faith in Jesus.

How many times have we failed to realize God in our upheavals and stormy situation? How many times have we run from pillar to post for some help when all along God is with us telling us not to get discouraged or be fearful?Let us repent for our acts today and acknowledge Him in our life.  Shall we tell God to open our spiritual eyes so that we will see that He is always with us, no matter what.  Be encouraged.
