Do not be troubled


John 14:1:  Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.

Jesus comforts His disciples just a few hours before He was going to be betrayed.  They were troubled by the fact that their Master would be betrayed and would die and go away from them.  They were comforted by Jesus to believe in God and also in Him.

When various kinds of troubles surround us, it is the norm for us to lose heart and be weary.  We tend to grow weak from worrying and fretting over our helpless estate, but God says just one thing to us.  He says to just believe in God and also believe in Him.  Believe in God that He can help you out of your troubles and give you a peaceful ride in the storm.  Jesus once calmed the storm and the disciples had a safe sail to the shore.  They were so troubled that they thought they were going to die.  For a minute, they lost their faith though Jesus was with them in the boat and regained it after the troubling storm had calmed down.  We forget that Jesus is with us and in our lives and speak negativity and defeat over our troubled situation.  On the other hand, if we believe in God we can see the miracles of God in our lives and  derive solace and comfort from God.

When evils come and you are surrounded by trouble, God will never forsake you.  It is we who seem to be running away from God and start depending on man’s strength and favour.  God is always with us and we fail to realize it or seek His face in the midst of challenges.  Let nothing upset you or put you down.  Have a heart of faith to believe God and to stand up for Him.
