
Matthew 10:30-31

The very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows.

A healthy person looses about 100 strands of hair per day. And many of us are not concerned about how many strands we still have, we really don’t count our hair. However, this verse represents the minute detail by which our God loves and cares for us.

Our God loves us very much, He will never abandon or forsake us, He orchestrates all the events happening in our lives when we are completely surrendered to His will. This verse should encourage us to trust God always, without any reservation, because He is a God that pays attention to what seems to us to be as insignificant as the number of hairs in our head.

Then, we are commanded “not to fear”, which is something most of us do not do naturally – and fear is something that has overtaken our planet in the last few months. Jesus encourages and reminds us that we are of more value than many sparrows, which was a bird that must have been very prevalent during those days.

We matter to God, He cares and loves us deeply and infinitely; He is in charge of all things that happen in our lives; He understands us and knows us more than we can imagine; and He expects us NOT TO FEAR, because “He” is in command of everything that happens to us.

He says that “All things work together for the good of those who love Him”. (Romans 8:28).
Our God is in control! Do not fear!


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