Do not give up


II Corinthians 5:7:  For we walk by faith, not by sight.  (KJV).

Our father of faith, Abraham is the best example for someone who walked by faith and not by sight when God called him out of his kindred.  God called him to worship and serve Him.  God wanted to create His own people out of Abraham which required him to just follow God’s directions for his future.

Despite all kinds of adversities in life and the personal battles that we so often are involved with, God wants us to walk ahead by faith and not by sight.  We might be asked to explore the unknown when we least expect it.  God wants to test our faith and see if we are eligible for the blessings that God has in store for us.  God prepares something ahead of us always.  God wants us to know that we are not forgotten in the bargain.  When we thus obey God wholeheartedly, He will guide our every step.  We have to let God trust us too.  Putting our hope in God in the calling that He has called us will allow God to shape up our future, our destiny, etc.  God’s plans for us is bigger and His ways are higher than our’s.  He is a God who gives us hope and a good future.  Faith is the much needed element in our spiritual life/walk with God everyday.

God will keep us stronger and firmer in relationship with Him.  Do not give up your faith-walk.  Do not be tired or weary.  Be bold and courageous in the one who has called you to walk this path of faith.


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