Do not stagger


Romans 4:20:  He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving glory to God.

Abraham, after receiving the promise from God, never doubted God.  He never staggered or walked unsteadily.  His faith was never shaken.  It was a steady kind of a faith that moved the heart of God.  He waited for a real long time until God fulfilled His word in his life.

What kind of a faith do we have today? Is it an unwavering and unshakable faith like Abraham’s? All through the Bible, we see that God works based on faith.  He just requires us to have faith as small as a mustard seed.  It is sad to see and hear that even such a mustard kind of faith seems to be absent in the lives of many believers.  Sometimes situation and circumstances may seem to drown us or discourage us in our walk with the Lord.  When we see others getting blessed, it is quite natural for us to doubt God’s promises.  Abraham was like any or us.  He had his old wife who was written off as a barren lady and she could no longer have children.  He himself was too old, but he held on to the one who promised an offspring rather than in just the promise.  Where is our focus? Whom are we trusting? Are we trusting the one who made the promise or are we just looking for the promise?

We have to fight tooth and nail until we see God’s promises fulfilled in our life.  Never give up on what God has promised to you.  God was happy with how Abraham’s heart and mind was focused on Him.  Abraham believed in the Giver of all good gifts, and he got what was promised to him, though it was delayed.  Do not stagger in your faith life, only be steady and stay focused on God.

