Do you know HIS voice?


John 10: 27-28

My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand.

Christ Jesus is our good Shepherd, and we are His sheep.

Why do sheep need to know and listen to the voice of their Shepherd?

  1. – To lead them to green pastures and still waters-in our lives, to lead us to an abundant life-a life of provision, care, peace and rest.
  2. – To feed them-He provides for us everything that we need for sustenance. When the Israelites went through forty years, it was Yahweh who provided them with food and water.
  3. – To guide them-It was Yahweh who guided the Israelites by night and by day. Or they would have been like a herd of lost sheep…doomed for death.
  4. – To shield and protect them from the wild animals-Our shelter comes not from the house we live in but from the one who shelters us under His mighty wings of protection. When we abide in Him, we cannot by any means be destroyed or snatched out of His presence!
  5. – To comfort them-with the rod and staff? Yes, because the sturdy club was used not for the sheep, but for the wild animals who would prey on them. The staff was a long rod with a curve on one end used to pull the sheep away from the dangerous places because of their wanderings.
  6. – To anoint them-the shepherds used oils for the wounds and bites on their sheep. Our Shepherd too has deep compassion and is concerned about what we go through. He tends to our wounds in His own loving way through the Holy Spirit. In fact, there is a two-fold meaning to the anointing here…one is His love and the other is to set us, His Children apart, marked as one who belongs to Him and Him alone.

Beloved, get closer to your Shepherd and we pray that YOU WILL hear His voice!!!




  1. Prathiba
    04 Nov 2019 07:10:50 Reply

    Praise the Lord… 7th point is missing brother. Blessed word. Thankyou for making the word fed so clearly to us.

    • Bethel Team
      04 Nov 2019 11:01:17 Reply

      Dear Prathiba,

      We are glad that the devotionals have been a blessing to you. Thank you for bringing to our notice the formatting which has been updated. Have a blessed week.

  2. Govindarajan V
    04 Nov 2019 10:40:28 Reply

    Listen HIS voice is the only way to mute the voice of the world. Voice of the Master will give comfort, counseling. My prayer is to give me discerning heart to listen HIS voice while I read, listen, medidate the scriptures.

  3. G Samson Dellay
    05 Nov 2019 10:04:11 Reply

    Thanks to our PG Coach ,John Bro, who put the same in our Gp on daily basis, we will dwell into daily devotion words, I think in our daily family prayer this words will be important to use.

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