Don’t be afraid


Be Strong and of good courage, Do not fear nor be afraid of them, for the LORD your GOD, HE is the one who goes with you, HE will not leave you nor forsake you. Deuteronomy 31:6 

Fear can have a paralyzing effect on us. This unpleasant emotion arises when we perceive something or someone as stronger or beyond our comprehension. Fear manifests in various forms in our daily lives such as fear of losing a job, financial difficulties, health concerns, and mortality. However, we must recognize that being courageous does not mean being without fear. Instead, it entails confronting and overcoming our fears.

According to many scholars, the Holy Bible contains the phrase “Do not be afraid” approximately 365 times. This is a daily reminder from GOD that we need not fear because HE is with us always, representing us in the face of our challenges. GOD is with us during our trials, and nothing can stand against HIS dominion.

Therefore, we should move forward in faith without fear because the Almighty GOD is on our team, leading us toward victory. There is none who has conquered death and holds dominion over everything and everyone, except GOD.


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