Don’t give up in confiding in him


1 John 5 :14:  And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask anything according to his will, he heareth us:

Sometimes some things cannot be seen. Even when all is out there; at times there are some things that are not there. We have all been through that part of our lives when we feel empty or we feel overflowing emotionally. Don’t give up. Don’t give up in knowing the ‘Great I am’, don’t let your flesh walk upon you. Wait. Wait in the peace of his being. Wait in the solitude of his presence that only your spirit can feel and no other. Even in the turbulent waters of the sea, Jesus was able to calm the sea because he was one with the Father. His disciples could not be one with him because they were only looking at the gushing waves and the strong current. They were not one with him.

When life throws to you at times prisons of disbelief or any form of incompleteness; don’t leave his side but rise and depend on him completely. Waiting upon God gives us the confidence that whatever we ask God in accordance to His will will be granted.  The situation on the ground level might not change but what will change is your inner being. There will be a part of you that will not be the same again. Wait!


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