Don’t Lose Hope


Psalm 46:1  God is our refuge and strength, A very present help in trouble.

Four days had passed since his demise. They had wrapped him in grave clothes and laid him in a tomb.

Mary and Martha were in weeping when the Lord Jesus arrived. They told Him that if He had only arrived “on time”, Lazarus would still be alive.

Deeply moved in the spirit by the people’s grief, the Lord Jesus wept.

Why did the Lord Jesus weep when He knew that He was only a few minutes away from raising Lazarus to life?

There is no one more compassionate than our Lord. Even when He knew that He would transform the emotions of the crowd with His miracle, He could not help but empathize with them, though they secretly disapproved of His delay.

However, they did not know that the Lord Jesus had actually arrived just on time!

God is, indeed, a VERY PRESENT help in trouble. But what to us is “on time” is often very different from the Lord’s perfect timing.

Are you grieving?

Are you in distress?

Remember, the Lord Jesus shares your troubles. He feels your problem like His own.

Don’t lose hope! Just like the Lord Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead (John 11), He will perform a miracle to free you from your predicament!

Just believe! Your miracle is on the way!

He may not come when you want Him, but He knows the right time to arrive! 



  1. Sarah
    19 Oct 2019 11:31:52 Reply

    Praise the Lord
    Yes, His timing is perfect no doubt about it, He knows the best for each one of us, all Glory to ABBA.

  2. Veronica Josh
    19 Oct 2019 15:52:48 Reply

    Amen. Blessed word of encouragement.
    Thank you very much .

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