Effective Prayers


Matthew 7:7 Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.

Prayers hold the key to unlock God’s plan in our lives.

Have you wondered why Jesus prayed an entire night before choosing His disciples?

Even Jesus had to pray to the Father before choosing the eleven who would spread the gospel, and the one who would betray Him. Surely, it wasn’t easy to pray for wisdom to choose the one who would hand Him over to be crucified, or for the eleven who would spread His new covenant.

But, Jesus followed the principle of asking, seeking and knocking when He went to pray on the mountain that evening.

Jesus asked the Father for wisdom to make the right choice. He sought God’s plan through the counsel of the Holy Spirit. And, when it was morning, He set off to knock on the hearts of those who were to become the chosen twelve.

When we ask, seek and knock as we ought to, things will fall into place without much hassle. Between asking and knocking is sandwiched the most important aspect of prayer – seeking! When we ignore God’s plan, asking and knocking will leave us unfulfilled and weary.

However, just seeking God’s plan without asking for wisdom or knocking on the right doors is also futile.

Asking, seeking and knocking go hand in hand. It is the secret to effective prayers.


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