Embrace Your New Identity


1 Peter 2:10

“Who once were not a people but are now the people of God, who had not obtained mercy but now have obtained mercy.”

One of the key indicators of life is growth. As long as we live, our cells keep regenerating and we see a physical transformation in our bodies. Our minds also grow as we learn and adapt to changing life situations. But the best transformation of all is what happens in our spirit. We are not who we were before the Lord drew us to Him.

At one time, we were lost and lonely, drowning in sin and despair. But now we are saved and we can live with incredible hope because of our Lord Jesus Christ. His sacrifice on the cross has redeemed our past, and brought about a divine transformation in our spirit. We now have a new identity to embrace. We’re children of God who’ve experienced His mercy firsthand. From living in the dark to walking in the light, He’s brought us a long way.

If you haven’t experienced this transformation yet, take a few minutes today to confess your weaknesses to the Lord. Accept the truth that Jesus Christ has paid the price for your sins on the cross. Repent and receive His grace to walk as His child. He has broken your chains so you can live free – fully loved by your Heavenly Father.


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