Eternal Gratitude for His Mercy


Psalm 107:1 Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever.

This timeless verse reminds us that just as God’s goodness and mercy are forever, our gratitude towards Him must be forever. Our thanksgiving must not be restricted to a day or a service cause God doesn’t limit His goodness. God’s goodness continuously flows from His holy throne into our lives, day in and day out. Hence, our gratitude towards Him should be consistent, for His mercy knows no bounds and lasts all eternity.
In the hustle of our daily lives, it’s easy to overlook the constant goodness of God. This verse asks us to pause and express our gratitude. He is everlasting. His goodness, mercy, compassion and love are timeless. So, let us resonate the same and pour our thanksgiving to Him in all we do. Gratitude to Him has no protocol. Give thanks to Him, wherever, whoever and however you are.
As we go through challenges daily, let’s cultivate a spirit of thanksgiving. We recognize His goodness and everlasting mercy in every moment of our days, in the colours and the mundane. His mercy, extending beyond our comprehension, becomes a source of comfort, assurance, and joy. Thanksgiving is a primary expression of these gifts from our everlasting King.


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