Eternal life


I John 2:25:  And this is the promise that he hath promised us, even eternal life.  (KJV).

Eternal life is used 17 times in the Gospel of John.  It is said that it is a consistent theme both in his gospel as well as his epistle.  Eternal life is given to us through Jesus Christ.  Jesus has promised us this life.  It is not a “maybe you will have eternal life,” but it is a definite promise.  It is true that we shall all be given eternal life if we abide in the Lord Jesus.

Many people undergo plastic surgery to have that perfect, spotless “make over” look.  Many undergo various kinds of treatments just to look young and live for many years.  Alas! all these efforts by human beings do not guarantee them  their expected/desire life expectancy.  They will all wither away like grass, but the Lord Jesus has promised us eternal life.  This life is not on earth.  This life is promised up in heaven.  In heaven, there is no death.  There is life and activity for ever and ever.  Can you ever imagine how your life is going to be changed for ever?  There will be no tears, no debts, no stress, no pressure.  There will be only joy and peace.  This is the promise of God.  God is not a man that he should lie.  His words are yes and Amen.

God has promised this life eternal, and it is our responsibility to live a life that is worthy of our calling.  Live up to God’s standards and let us value what God values.



One Comment

  1. Ramakrishna
    15 Nov 2019 05:17:40 Reply

    Yes, indeed Our Father in Heaven gives us eternal life, because He has so much compassion and mercy on us. We are all blessed people, His children and His chosen generation we are Holy Spirit Generation. His gracious love leads all of us into His eternity. Surely, we should trust Our ABBA Father for His agape unconditional everlasting love and life. Oh Jesus thank you HEAVENLY FATHER for your grace and mercy. Let’s all of us worship and adore Him He’s good good all the time and all the time Hallelujah Amen

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