Everlasting Arms of God


The eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms. He will drive out your enemy before you. Deuteronomy 33:27

This is Moses’ final blessing on the tribes of Israel. Moses discovered God’s kindness toward His people and His enormous power to deliver them from their adversaries who wanted to see them destroyed. The Israelites found solace and security in the pillar of cloud and fire, while the adversaries were perplexed by it. God split the Red Sea to deliver the Israelites, and used the same waves to destroy Israel’s adversaries.

During their journey in the wilderness, the children of Israel learned firsthand that the eternal God was their sanctuary and that the everlasting arms were underneath them. They witnessed the Lord driving away and defeating their adversaries firsthand.

God has not changed. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Through His Words and Spirit, He still reveals Himself to His children today. And we come to know His unending love. Because of His unending arms of support, strength, and safety, we discover that He is our defense against those who would do us harm and that the eternal God is our refuge and strength.


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