Every Praise is to Our God


Isaiah 12:4 (NKJV): ‘And in that day you will say: “Praise the Lord, call upon His name; Declare His deeds among the peoples, make mention that His name is exalted.’

The world we live in is fallen. As a result of sin, human life is characterised by pain and troubles. None of us likes to go through it, but go through it we must. Children of God – who know Him as Lord – have the consolation of knowing that God is with them in their struggle.

Isaiah knew what it was to go through the pains of life. The nation of Israel was in trouble because of rampant sin. Isaiah was striving to stand on God’s Word and that was causing him a lot of discomforts. What he was experiencing, every person who desires to stand right with God also goes through.

Despite the daily struggle, Isaiah chose to praise and sing psalms to the Lord. He had reason to rejoice even when there was no comfort because of who God was to him. The same applies to us believers, today.

Has God been your strength, your provider, or your healer throughout this pandemic season? Go, tell the world what He has done for you. Praise and magnify His holy name for He alone is worthy. He is a good, good Father. That’s who He is to those who know Him as Abba.



One Comment

  1. Ramakrishna
    13 Jun 2021 17:21:28 Reply

    Thank you Pastor, today’s devotion is encouraged my heart, mind, body and soul. Every praise is to our God. Yes, I trust He is good good Father. My Abba Father, Thank Heavenly Father. Whatever situation, pain, trouble going through, Jesus you are with me to comforts me. Now i am feeling good, because he will never leave me nor forsaken me.
    In the precious name of Jesus i submit and pray.

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