Everything belongs to God


Behold, to the Lord your God belong heaven and the highest heavens, the earth and all that is in it. Deuteronomy 10:14

As I look out of my window, I see birds soaring like they own the skies and ponder if they understand the vastness of the skies? With all the advancements humans have made in the field of science and technology, I often ask myself, do we comprehend the depths of the universe? How many more discoveries and inventions are still waiting to be made? How many more new things are we to figure out? I often marvel with every new knowledge, thinking, when will humankind realise and wholeheartedly appreciate the creator. Our God’s multifaceted and creative wisdom each day is portrayed in our universe’s breathtaking beauty and wonder. The changing of the seasons, the setting of sun and the rise of the waves, God designed it all. We can make discoveries about it and assign numerical formulas to it. But the truth is, God, defined it before we found it. Everything that is, the seen and the unseen, the known and the unknown, belongs to God. Who has seen what lies beyond the clouds but God the creator of heaven and owner of the highest heavens? Who knows how deep the face of the earth is than He who designed it? 

As humans, we take great joy in owning and possessing things. Owning a house with a garden, a proud car perched on it. Having a college degree, hoping it will guarantee us a thriving livelihood. We even take ownership of knowing the right kind of people, including the family we belong to. Do we realise that even these things belong to God? Nothing we own is ours. Like how the rain and the draught belong to God, everything you and I can fantom belongs to God. Everything that is in the world is His. That includes you and me. We belong to God. We are not our own. Out of His Fatherly love for us, He has called us to be partakers of all that is His. In a world where we need to earn everything, here is God, who gives us not because we deserve it but out of Love. How about we take some time to appreciate the Father, who is so willing to share everything with us. Let us praise Him for His ownership over everything we know. 

Prayer: Loving Lord, we praise you because to you belongs the heaves and the highest heavens, the earth and everything in it. That includes me and everything concerning me. Thank you that you are the Lord over it, and I can peacefully rely on the fact that, if you own it, you will take care of it. Thank you that I am in your care. I thank you for this gift you have given me. I pray, help me use all the resources you have given me for Your glory and bring all your children to the knowledge of your Son. In your mighty name Jesus, Amen. 


One Comment

  1. Gail Blazey
    22 Apr 2022 14:03:31 Reply

    This is so profound… We are mere stewards of God’s bountiful gifts… We must always be grateful to Him.
    Amen. 🙏 🙌

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