Experience Freedom Like Never Before


2 Corinthians 3:17 (NIV)

Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. 

Freedom is different for different people. For instance, a vacation can be a pleasant pitstop along life’s journey for most, but the same experience can feel like a pitfall for workaholics.

However, the Holy Bible is very clear about the freedom that comes with the Holy Spirit. Neither is it relative to anything nor does it differ from person to person. It just sets us free from bondages!

This is because, in essence, satan’s purpose has remained unchanged since the time of Adam and Eve. All he wants to do is trap and enslave.

Even the Lord Jesus was not spared during His time on Earth. In fact, He was tempted right after His baptism when He was filled with the Holy Spirit.

Satan tempted Him, not once, not twice, but thrice, using different approaches to fulfil his evil plan. First, he used the Lord Jesus’ physical weakness after 40 days of fasting to trap Him. Next, he tried to persuade the Lord Jesus to test God the Father’s protection. (Matthew 4: 1-7)

When these didn’t work, he used a tried and tested method to achieve his goal. He told the Lord Jesus that all the kingdoms of the world would be His if He bowed before him. But the Lord Jesus replied, “Away with you, Satan! For it is written, ‘You shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only you shall serve.’ “ (Matthew 4:10)

Notice how the Lord Jesus used scripture to ward off the schemes of the devil. There is immense power in scripture! And the Holy Spirit will guide us to use the right scripture in our war against satan. Even if we feel trapped already, the Holy Spirit will break bondages and set us free!

If you feel trapped in anyway, be it vices, relationships, past memories and the like, remember that the Spirit of the Lord brings freedom. Invite the Holy Spirit into your life today and experience freedom like never before!


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