Experiencing God’s Love


Psalm 146:8 – “The Lord opens the eyes of the blind; the Lord raises those who are bowed down; the Lord loves the righteous.”

The supernatural and overwhelming love of our God towards us is powerful. He pours Himself entirely upon ourselves, our situation, our diseases, just because He loves us immensely.

“The Lord opens the eyes of the blind.” Once our eyes were also closed, not necessarily our physical eyes; but our spiritual eyes. We were once blind to see the goodness of our God, blinded by our own thoughts, emotions, even wrong beliefs. But the Lord lovingly and gently opened our blind eyes, so that we could see Him.

“The Lord raises those who are bowed down”. Once we too were bowed down, again, not necessarily physically, as an impairment and disability; but spiritually bowed down to sin, to our wrong desires, to idolatry, oppressed by the evil schemes of the devil, prisoners, bound and unable to freely move. But His love set us free.

“The Lord loves the righteous”. Not those who think they are good enough, or righteous in their own understanding and wisdom. But He loves those who are righteous through Him, since our own righteousness or self-righteousness is disastrous and does not exalt our God.

“And among the lampstands was someone “like a son of man” dressed in a robe reaching down to his feet”. (Revelation 1:13). Because of Jesus, we are dressed in His righteousness.

So, let’s continually Praise the Lord, for loving us so much, for opening our eyes, for raising us up, and for robing us with His righteousness!


One Comment

  1. Romeo Meetei
    26 Oct 2019 13:35:05 Reply

    Amen Glory to God Thank you so much encourage word of God sir really it is helping to me for my faith in God. Please remember me and my family in the prayers I’m so much weak in spiritual life.

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