Experiential Learning


Psalms 119:73 Your hands have made me and fashioned me; Give me understanding, that I may learn Your commandments.

There is a stark difference between education and learning. While education is often a passive transfer of knowledge, learning is a self-driven activity. That’s why it’s easier to hear a sermon than to imbibe and live by it.

Thankfully, our God doesn’t just educate, He also plays an active role in our learning.

Just ask Peter about it…

From an unrefined fisherman to the apostle who delivered the inaugural address to the church, Peter’s transformation was extraordinary! But it didn’t happen overnight. It took him many years to journey from education to learning.

Often, God will use challenging experiences to activate our learning. Let’s not shrink from them, but face them with courage knowing that we are victors in Christ!

From being the disciple who lost faith and his buoyancy while walking on the lake, to falling asleep in the Garden of Gethsemane, to cutting off the ear of the person who approached Jesus to arrest Him, Peter’s follies were more in number when he physically walked with Jesus.

But Jesus didn’t stop him or keep those incidents away. He waited for Peter to LEARN through those experiences and grow into the person who took the gospel to the Gentiles before the other disciples, and in essence, was the foundation of the church.

What experiences are you going through today? Are you anxious or fatigued? Remember, God is with you and victory will surely be yours! Fix your eyes on Him and move forward in faith. 



  1. Jemini Paul
    01 Nov 2023 00:12:21 Reply

    I enjoy the worship and the messages
    Thank you Pastor and the team.
    God bless your work

  2. Rapborlang Khongshei
    01 Nov 2023 00:29:30 Reply

    Help Me to Believe more and Receive more and to follow Jesus for the rest of My life. Amen

  3. Ramakrishna
    01 Nov 2023 01:53:17 Reply

    Praise the Lord
    He will teach not only us but to children also. Holy spirit is the best teacher, who teaches through unfavorable situations.
    loving heavenly Father thank you for your love,peace joy . in the matchless name of Jesus Christ our Lord and saviour I pray Amen.

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