Exponential Grace and Peace


2 Peter 1:2 – “Grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God, and of Jesus our Lord…”

You’ve probably heard the old saying, “Knowledge is power.” It basically means that knowledge in a particular field equips you to perform at your best. Today’s verse talks about knowledge too – knowing God. But this is not head knowledge Peter is talking about, he’s talking about heart knowledge – truly knowing Jesus as your Lord.

When you know somebody well, you know their likes and dislikes. You know how they will react in certain situations. You know what makes them happy and what makes them sad. It is this kind of knowledge that we must possess as we grow in an intimate relationship with Christ. We can grow in the knowledge of God through the discipline of prayer, Bible study, fellowship and service to God.

The knowledge we gain will exponentially multiply the amount of grace and peace we experience in our personal lives. God’s abundant grace for our daily routines and His perfect peace in difficult situations is just the kind of power we need to function effectively. Are you looking for more of God’s grace and peace? Perhaps it’s time to grow in the knowledge of God. The time you spend cultivating your relationship with God will directly and dynamically influence your life. How will you grow in the knowledge of God today?


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