Faith Foundation


1 Peter 1:21

“who through Him believe in God, who raised Him from the dead and gave Him glory, so that your faith and hope are in God.”

If there is ONE central foundation you need to build your life on, it is this: Your very existence, the essence of your being, your very breath, your faith and belief is through Christ and Christ alone. He is the Door through which we have access to everything that we need for living this life and living it in godliness (2 Peter 1:3). This power, this key, this fundamental has already been deposited into us the day we accepted Christ as the Lord over our life!

You would have heard the saying that you’ve made the biggest decision of your life by submitting your life to Christ. Isn’t it a miracle, that by just speaking a few sincere words, confessing your weaknesses and putting your complete trust in Christ, a phenomenal transaction took place in the spiritual that literally completely transformed you on the inside?! Such a beautiful, magnificent and precious experience!

While all we needed to be ‘born again’ was confess with our lips and believe with our hearts, the price that was paid for us to have this experience was beyond what words can contain. The Lord God knew, in all His wisdom, from the beginning of time that a heavy price would have to be paid. He knowingly put Himself on the forefront with complete awareness that the sin of EVERYONE would weigh on Him. Then, ANYONE who believed in Him would be completely washed in His precious, pure, perfect blood.

Without Jesus, there would be NO OTHER WAY! Without Jesus, everything is just vanity, meaningless. Without Jesus, there would be no life worth living. He is, the Way, the Truth and the Life. May your faith begin and continue and be established in Him and Him alone!




  1. Martha
    18 Apr 2021 12:14:27 Reply

    So blessed to listen and read your daily devotion . Please don’t forget to uphold us in your prayers daily. So far yet so close in the spirit.

    • Bethel Team
      18 Apr 2021 23:40:22 Reply

      Dear Martha,

      We lift you and your loved ones into the hands of our Almighty Lord and pray that He continues to hide you under His wings of protection.

  2. Ruby William Dhaser
    27 Apr 2021 13:47:53 Reply

    Yes we need all prayers specially for peace and protection for me Ruby William Dhaser and Mr William John Dhaser

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