Faithfulness of God


But the Lord is faithful, and He will strengthen and protect you from the evil one. 2 Thessalonians 3:3

Lawlessness and sin have an attractive power to them. No wonder Eve was so easily persuaded to taste that which was forbidden. No wonder we so quickly lose the rob of love and put on the cloak of anger towards those who go against our wishes. Jealousy and envy swiftly become our friends when we see prosperity on the other side. We hold on to the bitterness of how someone wronged us ten years ago. As assuredly, the seasons change, and we forget the love of God. We forget the compassion and the cost of our pardon. That is the bait of Satan.

With these words, Apostle Paul reminds the Church of Thessalonica of the delusions of the evil one and the ever-lasting hope of God. Yes. There is chaos and confusion in the world, and the enemy of our soul seeks our ruination. But God is greater. He is able. He is not taken by surprise. He understands every situation and temptation you go through. And He is Faithful.

He is faithful to be your strength when you are weak. He is faithful to be the water when you thirst. He is faithful to be the bread when you hunger. He is faithful to change biology when you are thrown into the fiery furnace. God is true to His Words, and He always comes through.

He who laid the earth’s foundation and satisfies the young lions’ appetite can strengthen you. God, who deprived the ostrich of wisdom but allowed her to scorn the horse and its rider, is faithful to protect you. So come, believing. Come with an expectant and hopeful heart. You may be weak, and your faith may fail, but God will never fail.


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