Family Devotion


Give to the Lord, O families of the peoples, Give to the Lord glory and strength. 1 Chronicles 16:28

‘’A family that prayers together, stays together,’’ is a famous quote that we have all heard at least once in our lifetime. Yes, family life can be busy and we may not always take the time to pray. However, when we make time to study the word of God, it helps us discover His holistic purpose for our families.

Family matters, God created this institution to reflect His relationship with mankind. One of the simplest ways we can transform our families is by coming together for God’s glory. When we make praise and worship a lifestyle, God’s promises begin to manifest in our lives. This spiritual discipline enables families to grow closer to one and another. The purpose of a godly family begins with praise. God has always been interested in our family lives and wants us to maximize His glory in our families. Chronicles 16:8-36 highlights the grandeur of God and convicts our hearts of the due glory and honor, we ought to give God!

God gets glory from His creation in worship. Where knowledge of God is defective, His glory is diminished. Let us worship God for His matchless worth. Let us nurture our families in the word of God. As we see and savor the glory of God now and forevermore in Jesus’ name, amen.


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